Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Immaculate Infection

I wasn't surprised by the recent news item that reported a study showing 1 in 4 teenage females between the ages of 14 and 19 have a sexually transmitted disease.

I wasn't surprised by the apparent fact that the rates of STD infection are highest among African-Americans and Mexican-Americans.

What surprised me was that the majority of the female subjects with STDs in the study denied ever having sex!

Apparently 1 in 4 teenagers have an STD, but 1 in 2 suffer extreme denial! Might be how they come by the STD in the first place.


Patrick Bageant said...

heh! immaculate infection.

Wish I had thought of that . . . maybe I can steal it (with attribute?)

Opine-ER RN said...

Steal away (with attribute)! Given the feigned ignorance of the subjects, I sensed the comparison was obvious. Whether you are impregnated with the lord or just a nasty, life-threatening disease (synonymous?) best just to flat out say you didn't know. That's what politicians do.

Barn Dweller said...

You're so funny!

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